Saturday 31 January 2015

Day #62 - Goodbye is impossible for me! (Sayonara Dekinai!)

Hi all! Happy late new year! I am sorry that it has taken me forever to upload. I had an internship over Xmas and I was staying over my aunt's but there isn't enough space to spread all my art stuff and work. In the short, I am 30 sketches behind but I'm gonna do them, they just won't be daily (which is ironic). It reminded me of the quote 'It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop'. And I don't intend to. At the very least, I will try to upload once a week from where I still am until I finish. Now onto the drawing!!!

I read Picolo's helpful article on how to draw for the 365 challenge and one of his helpful tips was to create original artworks and it inspired me to create the drawing above. Mamotte Shugogetten is one of my favourite animes but I wanted to create my own original approach; so I practiced drawing the screenshots above and then practiced what I was planning to draw, then I did the final stage. Exhausting, i know >.>. I love the relationship between Tasuke and Shao and just how adorable they are together. If you haven't already, please watch the show, it's definitely a treat. I've got a couple more to upload so stay tuned!


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